A single conversation with a wise man is better than ten years of study.
~ Chinese Proverb ~


Dear Java Mysteries Master,

As usual... the world is endangered! That’s why we have asked the most powerful minds... how we can save it... The answer we received: find 4xLevel33 - they are the chosen ones. It's not easy to find Level33CoffeeMasters but...

According to our insightful research you are the one of few who has needed capabilities to achieve Level33! Do you feel that you are the one?

Are you willing to face the challenge? Are you ready to start the CoffeeGame?

Ha:> We strongly believe that you've just given triple-yes-answer!

Level 1

if(JavaMysteries Master.getResponse().equals(TRIPLE_YES){
  JavaMysteries Master.loginToFacebookAccount();
  JavaMysteries Master.like(iLoopMobileKrakow); }

Level 2

We will draw 2^5 LuckyOnes to invite them to Level 3

Level 3

You will get a message via Facebook = quiz for the MindMasters so... be prepared :>

We are waiting for YOU! All updates you will find on facebook.com/iloopkrk


iLoop Mobile Entertainment Team

P.S. As we all know Level33Masters need magic accessories to expand their knowledge so... for our 4xLevel33 Chosen Ones we have lovely Kindles :)